190 Visa QLD

190 Visa QLD Program

190 Visa QLDIn this article, we will explain the requirements and application process for 190 Visa QLD.
The Skilled Work 190 visa allows points-tested skilled workers and their families to live, study and work in Australia permanently. Visa holders can enrol in Australia’s public health care scheme, Medicare, sponsor relatives to come to Australia, and become Australian citizens if eligible. This visa is for people with skills that are in high demand in Australia’s labour market to settle in Australia.

190 Visa QLD Application Process

Step 1 – Seek Professional Assistance

Seeking professional migration advice about your eligibility for Australian immigration and the action plan.

Step 2 – EOI for 190 Visa QLD

You must submit a valid EOI (Expression of Interest) for Queensland 190 visa and ensure the information in the EOI is accurate and up to date. QLD government prefers those whose EOI has selected QLD only. We strongly suggest you discuss your eligibility with our registered migration agent at Ausdirect Migration before making any application.

Step 3 – State Nomination Application for 190 Visa QLD

Once QLD has assessed your EOI and believes you can satisfy both Federal and QLD requirements, you will receive an email invitation to lodge an application and be requested to provide the required documents for QLD 190 state nomination application.

Step 4 – Apply for 190 Visa

Once your state nomination application is approved, you will receive the approval letter and also the invitation to lodge an application for the 190 skilled visa.

Step 5 – Respond to any RFI requests by the Immigration

When the Department of Home Affairs assesses your visa application, they may send a number of RFI (Request for Further Information) to ask for more information for verification before making a decision on your visa application. It is critical that you fully understand the 190 visa requirement before you lodge the application.

190 Visa Requirements – Federal Government

You and your dependant family must satisfy the Department of Home Affairs requirements:

    • must be under age 45 when being nominated
    • obtain a full skills assessment for the skilled occupation that you have nominated
    • have competent level of English Language
    • scored at least 65 points or higher on the skilled migration point test

Queensland Government Requirements

190 Visa Queensland is only available for onshore applicants currently. If you’d like to apply for 190 Visa QLD state nomination, you will need to satisfy the following requirements:

    • have a points-test result of 80 or higher
    • have an occupation on Home Affairs’ relevant list of eligible skilled occupations (LIN 19/051)
    • have proficient or superior English
    • have worked in Queensland for minimum 35 hours per week for at least 6 months before submitting your EOI
    • have ongoing employment with a QLD employer that is registered in QLD for a further 12 months after lodging your EOI
    • commit to living and working in Queensland for at least 2 years after visa grant

There is another stream for 190 visa QLD, which is Graduates of a Queensland University. This pathway is for high-performing graduates, who have graduated from a QLD university with a Ph.D., and are currently living in QLD. The applicant will need to meet the following requirements:

    • have an occupation on LIN 19/051
    • completed 100% of qualification in Queensland and has had a decision on thesis or graduated in the last 2 years
    • no job required
    • commit to living and working in Queensland for at least 2 years after visa grant

Ausdirect Migration for 190 Visa QLD

Our team at Ausdirect Migration is very experienced in managing migration programs in relation to Queensland Visa applications. We have provided top-quality migration services to onshore and offshore clients to support them study in QLD and apply for migration through QLD.

Book a consultation with us today. We look forward to hearing from you and the opportunity to assist you in managing your immigration journey.