Child/Adoption/Orphan Relative Visas (Subclass 802/101/102/837/117)

Child/Adoption/Orphan Relative Visas Overview

Subclass 802/101/102/837/117

Apply in Australia
  • Subclass 802 Child Visa (Onshore)
    • Subclass 802 Child visa is a permanent visa which allows parent/adoptive parent/step-parent, who is at least 18 years old and is either an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, to sponsor their dependent biological/adoptive/step-child usually single and below the age of 18 to live in Australia permanently. The child must be in Australia at the time of submitting this visa application and when this visa is granted. Contact us for comprehensive eligibility criteria.
Apply outside Australia
  • Subclass 101 Child Visa (Offshore)
    • Subclass 101 Child visa is a permanent visa which allows parent/adoptive parent/step-parent, who is at least 18 years old and is either an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, to sponsor their dependent biological/adoptive/step-child usually single and below the age of 18 to live in Australia permanently. The child must be outside Australia at the time of submitting this visa application and when this visa is granted. Contact us for comprehensive eligibility criteria.
Apply outside Australia
  • Subclass 102 Adoption Visa (Offshore)
    • Subclass 102 Adoption visa is a permanent visa which allows a child usually single, below the age of 18 and residing overseas, adopted or in the process of being adopted by sponsor who is either an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, to live in Australia permanently.
    • When the adoption taken place, the sponsor must already be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen. The child must be outside Australia at the time of submitting this visa application and when this visa is granted. Contact us for comprehensive eligibility criteria.
Apply in Australia
  • Subclass 837 Orphan Relative Visa (Onshore)
    • Subclass 837 Orphan Relative visa is a permanent visa which allows relative/the spouse or de facto partner of that relative, who is at least 18 years old and is either a settled Australian citizen, settled Australian permanent resident or settled eligible New Zealand citizen, to sponsor their adoptive child/sibling or step-sibling/grandchild or step-grandchild/niece or nephew/step-niece or step-nephew, usually single, below the age of 18 and has lost their parents to live in Australia permanently. The child must be in Australia at the time of submitting this visa application and when this visa is granted. Contact us for comprehensive eligibility criteria.
Apply outside Australia
  • Subclass 117 Orphan Relative Visa (Offshore)
    • Subclass 117 Orphan Relative visa is a permanent visa which allows parent/adoptive parent/step-parent, who is at least 18 years old and is either an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, to sponsor their dependent biological/adoptive/step-child usually single, below the age of 18 and has lost their parents to live in Australia permanently. The child must be outside Australia at the time of submitting this visa application and when this visa is granted. Contact us for comprehensive eligibility criteria.

If you are ready to commence your life in Australia, book a consultation with Ausdirect Migration today.