Australian School Sponsorship Assessment

Australian School Sponsorship Assessment Tool

This form is designed to assess the eligibility of Australian school sponsorship in order to determine if the schools can nominate international teachers on work visa.

  • Sponsoring Entity

    Please provide the school entity information and the contact person
  • My Contact

  • School Sponsorship Needs

    What type of positions does the school wish to sponsor, and basic information about the candidates etc.
  • For example, total number of positions required, from which term the candidates will start teaching, key reasons for hiring international teachers etc.

Ausdirect Migration – Immigration Specialist for Education Sector

Ausdirect Migration is a leading immigration law service provider for the Eduction sector in Australia. We have assisted and represented many private and public schools in Australia for immigration matters including business sponsorship applications, sponsorship compliance, nominations and applications for TSS 482 Visas.

We are proud of being able to apply our in-depth migration law skills and experience to help schools address labour shortages by bringing in skilled teachers where schools can’t source an appropriately skilled Australian.