251112 Nutritionist

251112 Nutritionist

Occupation Overview:

Nutritionist belongs to the occupation unit group of 2511 Nutrition Professionals and is a Skill Level 1 occupation in Australia. In other words, a nutritionist must have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1). Registration or licensing is required in New Zealand.

Key Tasks:

Integrates, disseminates and applies knowledge drawn from the relevant sciences to enhance positive effects of food on the health and well-being of human populations.

Skills Assessment Authority:

VETASSESS is Australia’s leading vocational education and training assessment provider. It is the designated skills assessing authority for migration purposes for over 300 General Professional Occupations approved by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).

UNIT GROUP 2511 Nutrition Professionals

Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1). Registration or licensing is required in New Zealand.

Tasks include:

  • planning diets and menus, and instructing people on the requirements and importance of diet and on the planning and preparation of food
  • collecting, organising and assessing data relating to health and nutritional status of individuals, groups and communities
  • interpreting and communicating scientific information and providing advice, education and professional opinion to individuals, groups and communities
  • monitoring food intake and quality to provide nutritional care
  • calculating nutritional values of food served
  • planning, conducting and evaluating nutrition intervention programs and compiling educational material
  • providing nutrition assessments, nutrition management, and nutrition education, research and training
  • consulting with other Health Professionals and related workers to manage the dietary and nutritional needs of patients


  • 251111 Dietitian
  • 251112 Nutritionist

Australian Visa Options for 251112 Nutritionist

This occupation has access to the following Australian immigration programs:

If you are interested in understanding more about migrating to Australia and the prospect of working and living in Australia, please book a consultation with Ausdirect Migration today and our immigration experts will guide you along the journey.